Friday, January 3, 2020

Cienfuegos: “The Pearl Of The South” or “The Pretty Citiy Of The Sea”

The 19th century, with its illustrated airs of modernity and classicism, was born the colony “Fernandina de Jagua”, on April 22, 1819. Fernandina de Jagua Colony, with an initial population of 46, grew up in the same year or its founding with the arrival of men and women from North America. Spaniards and Cubans joined the economic and social life of the colony, which, by its prosperity, reached in 1829 the title of Villa de Cienfuegos, in honor and gratitude of José Cienfuegos, General Captain of the Island at the time of its foundation and promoter of grow population in centre of Cuba. It acquired the title of city in 1880, due to the accelerated economic and cultural development reached in that stage. Cienfuegos born and grow deeply Spaniard, our cultural costume was the main of Spanish love in centre of Cuba up to 1959, when a political change cut with our past traditions of democracy and impose new rigid ways who destroy some of our best culture.

This city has significant architectural values, urban and environmental, in eternal dialogue with the sea. Special mention should be made of its Jagua Bay, an ideal place for practicing nautical sports, wich makes it exceptional in the field of Cuban and Ibero-American urbanism of the 19th century. Therefore, its national and international recognitions as “La Perla del Sur” and “La Linda Ciudad del Mar”, it is based on its incomparable hospitality and the friendly treatment of its people, which makes your staying in this region a great experience of life.

Cienfuegos has about 10 national monuments and its historical centre was declared UNESCO Heritage in 2005.

Postcard stationery published by Cuba Post Office about 200 years birthday of Cienfuegos City. It shows the foundation oil painting, happened on April 22, 1819 by the colonel Luis De Couet. It was painting by locals artists at 70´s, Juan Roldán y Eduardo Carbonell. It painting is located in the municipal city hall.

Aerial photo of Cienfuegos. It city has an urban conception very modern. Looks at the long Prado Avenue.
                                                                            City Hall

                                Villanueva lighthouse


Guanaroca lagoon. Natural protected area

Bower at the Sea

Reina Cemetery. The oldest cemetery in Cienfuegos. Unique in Cuba because its vertical graves and funeral art